Hario dome bois : moulin à café avec meules céramiques
Manual coffee grinder

HARIOHARIO Coffee Grinder Dome Dark Wood

Sale price49,90 €

The Dome manual coffee grinder benefits from all the know-how of the Japanese brand Hario.


The Japanese brand Hario has put all its know-how into the design of the Dome manual coffee grinder, a robust and elegant model with a thick wooden body and a shiny stainless steel hopper. This coffee grinder uses a pair of ceramic burrs which do not heat the coffee and do not suffer wear, allowing you to produce grinds perfectly suited to gentle methods such as slow coffee. With a notch adjustment, this manual coffee grinder is ideal for grinding for gentle methods, piston, and filter coffee.

Moulin à café hario manuel bois dome : avantages

Why is a manual coffee grinder essential?

Using a manual coffee grinder has many advantages. First of all, it preserves the freshness of the coffee beans. The coffee grinder allows the beans to be ground just before brewing, thus preserving the volatile aromas which dissipate quickly after grinding. In addition, you have total control over the grind size, allowing you to adapt it to each brewing method. You can also by adjusting the grinding time obtain different intensities, ranging from strong coffee to milder coffee. The manual coffee grinder finally preserves the natural oils of the coffee, ensuring better nutritional quality in your cup. This manual coffee grinder improves the freshness, flavor, control and overall drinking experience of your coffee.

Moulin à café Hario dome bois : café de spécialité équilibré

How to choose your grind size with a manual coffee grinder ?

The size of your grind plays a very important role in the flavor of your coffee. It is therefore important that you set your manual coffee grinder according to your preparation method.

Coarse grind : Suitable for slow brewing methods (slow coffee) such as French press and siphon coffee makers.

Medium grind: Ideal for filtration brewing methods such as paper filters, metal filters or percolators.

Fine grind: Recommended for pressure brewing methods, such as espresso and automatic espresso machines.

It's important to note that the grind may vary depending on your personal preference, so feel free to adjust to suit your tastes.


The maximum grinding capacity of our Dome Hario manual coffee grinder is 35 grams, which allows you to grind enough coffee for several cups (between 4 and 5 cups of espresso).

Yes, the Dome Hario manual coffee grinder has adjustable grind settings, allowing you to choose the fineness of the grind depending on the desired preparation method, whether for filter coffee, espresso or other.

To ensure optimal performance of your manual coffee grinder, we recommend cleaning it regularly by removing coffee residue and using a soft brush. In addition, certain parts of the Dome Hario can be dismantled, allowing for more thorough cleaning. Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on maintaining and cleaning your manual coffee grinder.

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