Lacor French press 3 tasses : cafetière à piston
French press coffee maker

LacorLacor French Press
3 Cups

Sale price13,90 €

“The Lacor French press offers easy and quick preparation of the best specialty coffees in just a few minutes.”


Discover the premium coffee brewing experience with the Lacor French Press. Easy to use and elegant, this 3-cup French press coffee maker guarantees you a drink with rich and subtle aromas.
Cafetière à piston 3 tasses : Lacor French Press

What type of roast should you choose for the French press?

The French press is an extraction method also known as a French press. For coffee prepared in French press, it is recommended to use medium to dark roast coffees. These roasts produce a coffee rich in flavor and body that goes well with the French press extraction method. Medium roast coffees provide a balance of acidic flavors and sweeter notes, creating a well-balanced cup of coffee. Darker roasts generally result in a fuller-bodied coffee, with notes of chocolate, toasted nuts or caramel. Araku Grande Réserve organic specialty coffee is perfectly suited to French press extraction, which allows all its aromatic complexity to be enhanced.

Lacor French Press : cafetière à piston 3 tasses

Make a success of your specialty coffee with a French press

To make a successful specialty coffee with a French press, it is important to follow a few steps.

Pour hot water into the French Press and rinse it.
Prepare 35g of coffee and 350ml of water for a coffee-water ratio of 1:10. Add the coarsely ground coffee then pour in the water heated to between 92 and 94°C. Make sure the water temperature is not boiling to preserve the delicate aromas of the coffee. Ideally, you should have an electric kettle with adjustable temperature. Wait 4 to 5 minutes then gently press the plunger of your French press. Avoid pressing too quickly to avoid sediment in your coffee. Pour your freshly brewed specialty coffee into cups and enjoy it immediately to fully enjoy its aromas. With a capacity of 35cl, the Lacor French press coffee maker will provide you with the equivalent of 3 cups of coffee.


When using a French press coffee maker to prepare your coffee, opt for a coarse to medium grind. This grind promotes optimal brewing by allowing water to circulate well through the ground coffee and guarantees maximum extraction of aromas and flavors. Be careful to avoid a grind that is too fine, which could clog the filter of the Lacor French press 3 cup French press coffee maker, or a grind that is too coarse, which could result in tasteless coffee.

The recommended brew time for a French press generally ranges between 4 and 5 minutes. However, it is important to note that the exact duration may vary depending on different factors such as the size of the French press, the amount of coffee used and your personal preferences in terms of strength and aroma. To obtain the best results, it is advisable to follow the manufacturer's recommendations of your French press, while adjusting the brewing time according to your own taste preferences.

Make sure your French press remains in excellent condition with these simple maintenance steps: Disassemble the different parts of your French press and rinse them thoroughly with hot water to remove any coffee residue. Use a soft brush for gentle cleaning, avoiding the use of harsh chemicals. After cleaning, allow all parts to air dry before reassembling. Be sure to clean the rubber seal regularly. To preserve your French press coffee machine, avoid shocks and store it in a dry and clean place.