Méthode de préparation d'une monodose de café filtre Micro Climat

Make a success of your Pocket Brew

Araku innovates and reinvents specialty coffee.

Discover Micro Climate coffee in a single dose of filter coffee. A pocket size easy to use and transportable everywhere, you only need a little hot water. Let yourself be surprised by this new way to prepare and enjoy specialty coffee.

Open the bag

Each Micro Climate Pocket Brew sachet represents a single dose of filter coffee and contains 11.5g of ground coffee. So start by tearing the sachet along the line marked “OPEN”.

Place it on your cup

Place the arms of the filter bag on the rim of your cup.

Pour the water

Heat 180 to 200ml of water to around 91°C. Your water should not boil, which could cause over extraction and unbalance your cup of coffee. Slowly pour the hot water into the Filter Bag.

Remove the bag

The single dose of filter coffee should not soak in the coffee brew during the process. Once the infusion is finished, remove the bag and enjoy a cup of specialty coffee with a generous body accompanied by gourmet notes of candied fruit.