Nos cafés grand cru pour espresso

Nos cafés grand cru pour méthodes douces

Araku Coffe : café Indien d'exception

19 steps to exceptional coffee

Each year, experts from the Specialty Coffee Association assign scores between 0 and 100 to our exceptional coffees. We have implemented 19 steps to aim for excellence from the coffee seed to the cup. These steps are derived from 3 pillars essential to our mission: Profit (for farmers); Quality (for consumers); Regenerative Agriculture (for the environment).

Exceptional coffee : it's not just marketing

Our farmers are part of the ARAKU Coffee cooperative, the Small and Tribal Farmers' Mutually Aided Cooperative Society. This organic coffee cooperative is currently the largest in the world to be certified organic and fair trade. Farmers are therefore directly remunerated by the sale of their coffee cherries to the cooperative. This economic model detached from the world price of coffee guarantees them a stable and fair income. In addition, our agroforestry production system allows farmers to diversify their income through the cultivation of mango, pepper, turmeric, etc.

Araku high-end coffees are rated each year by the SCA (Speciality Coffee Association) on criteria of excellence in production and taste. Our grades are constantly improving. The lowest awarded was 86 and the highest 88. These scores demonstrate the exceptional character of our organic specialty coffees, ranking them among the best in the world.

All our exceptional coffees are organic and Fair Trade certified. But we go much further, since we have been applying the principles of biodynamic agriculture and agroforestry for more than 20 years. Our goal is not to simply produce organic coffee, but to demonstrate the potential of a viable economic model based on the regeneration of soil and the ecosystem.

specialty coffee
harvested by hand
fair trade
certified organic
Abonnement café de spécialité Indien en grains ou moulu - Araku Coffee

Ne Tombez Plus Jamais En Panne De Café !

Abonnez-vous pour recevoir chaque mois à la date de votre première commande votre café de spécialité Araku préféré, sans même lever le petit doigt. Le paiement est 100% sécurisé et
l’abonnement est sans engagement. C’est vous qui décidez : vous pouvez modifier quand vous le souhaitez la fréquence, la quantité, le terroir et le type de café de spécialité.

Our organic coffees

Exceptional coffees

ARAKU exceptional coffees embody excellence, they are distinguished by incomparable quality and remarkable sensory characteristics.

Specialty coffees

Specialty coffees typically score above 80 out of 100, and ARAKU coffee regularly scores above 90

Pure Arabica coffees

ARAKU specialty coffees are made exclusively from beans of the Arabica variety, recognized as the most popular and appreciated worldwide.

Fair Trade Coffees

ARAKU specialty coffees are fair trade and follow ethical trading standards that ensure fair and dignified working conditions for producers.

Indian Coffees

ARAKU Indian coffees come from a valley in India. India boasts a thriving specialty coffee culture that makes it one of the best in the world.

Grand Cru Coffees

Grand Cru coffees are exceptional coffees. They are carefully selected from specific regions, renowned for their specialty coffee culture.

Organic Coffees

Organic coffees are grown using agricultural practices that preserve the environment and exclude the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

ARAKU Coffee offers exceptional coffees, resulting from a perfect harmony between the geographical origin of the coffee, the selected cultivation methods, the variety of beans grown and the preparation methods. Our specialty coffees are evaluated each year by the Specialty Coffee Association with scores above 86, attesting to their excellence.

Our selection of machines